Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 9th, 2016

Today was absolutely miserable for millions of reasons. I tried my best to stay positive, but by the end of the day I was totally burnt out and crushed.

Sometime in the evening I tweeted some song lyrics from one of my favorite covers by Maroon 5. And, if any of you follow me on Twitter, you know that random song lyrics are pretty much all I ever tweet about, lol.

When I came walking into my room after my long, terrible day I was greeted with three dozen roses (a reference to the lyrics I had tweeted) and one of the sweetest cards I had ever read. It's safe to say I sat crying hysterically on the floor for a solid ten minutes before I was eventually able to recover, call up my amazing boyfriend, and thank him repeatedly for this overly sweet gesture.

That magic you see in the movies IS real. These types of things DO happen. You just need to find the right person, and everything just clicks into place.

I love you SO much Michael Richard! Thank you for always being my knight in shining armor. ❤️

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