Monday, January 14, 2019

January 13th, 2019

Last week we finally got around to taking down all of the Christmas decorations. While boxing everything, we decided it was probably a good time to move everything in the crawlspace up to the attic, like we had originally planned to do with our things. Mike spent an afternoon building some shelves up in the attic, and then we transferred everything up there.

With the crawlspace now empty, we started tonight on turning it into the "puppy room"! If you're having trouble visualizing what we're going for, go to Google or Pinterest and search "puppy room under stairs". Since we have tons of room up in the attic, we decided that we wanted to convert the crawlspace into something more a space for our future puppies!

Tonight we picked out a paint color for the walls, as well as some flooring, and then we put it all in! We determined where the new "puppy door" will go (since the crawlspace door is only accessible through our hallway closet, and it's rather obnoxious in size) and Mike cut the interior half out. When we're finished, there will be a dog-sized door leading into the room off of our dining room. We will secure the crawlspace door, but not fully take it out (for resale purposes). We also plan to install either a small door or gate to the opening, so that we can shut the pups in if needed be (like if we're cleaning or a maintenance person comes over, etc).

So far everything is looking phenomenal! I cannot wait to see how it looks once the door is all framed out and the trim goes in!

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