Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6th, 2016

Happy St. Nick’s Day!! πŸŽ…πŸ»

Saint Nicholas is derived from Nicholas of Myra, who officiated as a bishop in 4th century Greece. During his lifetime he developed a reputation for gift-giving by putting coins into other people's shoes, which accounts for many of today's Christmas traditions that involve leaving gifts in shoes or boots. Kids leave their shoes out overnight in front of the fireplace, on the windowsill, or outside their bedroom door so that St. Nicholas can fill them with special fruits, candies, and other small gifts and treats.

This tradition initially grew from the popular story of when Saint Nicholas threw bags of dowry money (either through a window or down a chimney) into the home of an impoverished family to rescue their daughters from being sold into slavery. This was just one of his many acts of good will and charity towards the poor, especially towards children.

It has been recorded that celebrations associated with this day took place in American cities (such as New York) as early as the beginning of the 1800's. My family has carried on this tradition for generations, so I have been familiar with it since I was very little. It always brings me great joy when I discover another who also celebrates (or has heard of) this day, and I am always eager to explain more to those who haven't (and wish to learn). πŸ˜„

I introduced Mike to St. Nick's Day three years ago today, when I surprised him at school with his favorite candies. Since then I've continued to surprise him with gifts on this day, just like my parents and Grama did (and still do) for me. It warmed my heart this year to see his expectant and eager face on this morning of Saint Nicholas Day. ❤️

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