Friday, January 26, 2018

January 26th, 2018

I say a lot of wonderful things about my mother (because, well, she truly is an amazing woman!). But when I really just sit back and think about EVERYTHING she has done (and does do) for me...I’m in awe, really.

Trying to figure out how to raise a new baby is difficult enough, but my mother basically took care of me all on her own for the first six months of my life while my father was away training at the police academy to become a state trooper. Not only that, but she openly and whole-heartedly supported my dad the entire time.

My mom really is a super-mom. She worked full-time up until her last kid was born, and I never once felt like I didn’t get enough attention or time with her. She was always doing things with us kids, from taking us to fun places or simply just playing with us in the yard. She does so much for our entire family and never expects anything in return. Even today she is still constantly doing things for me...and I don’t even live in her house anymore!

I am forever grateful for this lady. I truly am one of the luckiest people in the world to have her in my life. Happy birthday mommy! I love you more than I’ll ever be able to say. ❤️

Ps, look at this cute puppy who went to the groomer's recently!

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